Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kristen Stewart... The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Ok, so don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE fan of *Kristen Stewart* and I'm doing this purely for debate.

We all know *Kristen* as innocent Bella from the Twilight movies, but is she like that in real life? You decide!

The Good

Everyone who has met her (I have a friend who saw her in an airport once) says that she was really friendly.

She is really funny in her interviews.

The rumour of her not going to the Oscars because she didn't like Twilight? So not true. She didn't get an invitation!

She is one of the best actresses ever.

The Bad

I hear that she has to be forced to do public interviews.

Smoking cigarettes doesn't really set a good example for your millions of fangirls, *Kristen*.

The Ugly

Smokes fake pot on her front doorstep with her boyfriend. Okay, it was fake, but people didn't know that when the photos came out!


  1. I think she's really good =]

  2. BUT I think she has to clean up her act a little... or a lot. but all her movies are great especially twilight =]

  3. hey this blog is cool
