A blog about EVERYTHING Twilight related!! The movies, the books... everything. Right here, right now.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Awesome Fan-Made Twilight Posters by Jewlz =]
Thanks SOOOOOOO much to Jewlz =] my very first follower (who has the same name as me!!!!!) for these amazing New Moon posters that she made. I just have to say that they are wonderful and I'd never be able to do anything like them. Here's the link:
I <33333 Twilight its the best book ever!!! And I love love love Rob Pattinson... he's soooo hot =] i love the movie even though some people think it's not good... i liked it a LOT and I'm definitely going to the midnight showing of New Moon on November 20th 2009. OMG I can't wait!!!
Whenever I take "Twilight Character Quizzes" I always get Bella or Alice, depending whether I'm cheating or not ;) I like it better when I get Bella. That's why I posted the "Bella" picture lol =] tell your friends, I really really want more viewers for this blog :( so far only 2 that I know of.
omg thanx so much for putting those on!! this is sooo cool i'm so glad people will be able to see them now!!!